Level Up: Ditching VSCode for Vim


7 min read


A brief overview of VSCode and Vim

In the world of coding, there are countless tools available to make our lives easier. One such tool is Visual Studio Code (VSCode), a powerful and popular code editor loved by many developers for its versatility and features. On the other hand, there's Vim, a legendary text editor known for its efficiency and speed, albeit with a steep learning curve.

Explanation of the decision to switch from VSCode to Vim

  1. Minimizing Mouse Usage: As software engineers, we strive to maximize efficiency in our workflow. One key aspect of this is minimizing our reliance on the mouse or trackpad. Vim is designed to be entirely keyboard-driven, allowing for lightning-fast editing without ever reaching for the mouse.

  2. Speed and Efficiency: Vim is renowned for its speed and efficiency once you've mastered its commands. With its modal editing system and an extensive array of keyboard shortcuts, Vim allows you to perform complex editing tasks with just a few keystrokes. This can significantly speed up your coding process and make you more productive in the long run.

  3. Customization: While VSCode offers a wide range of extensions and customization options, Vim takes customization to a whole new level. From custom key mappings to plugins for every imaginable task, Vim allows you to tailor your editing environment exactly to your liking. This level of customization can greatly enhance your coding experience and make Vim feel like a natural extension of your thought process.

  4. Cloud Development: In cloud environments, access to VSCode isn't possible, but Vim is always there. It's available on almost every Unix-based system by default, making it perfect for editing code directly on servers or in cloud-based IDEs like AWS Cloud9 or Google Cloud Shell. With Vim, you can code efficiently from anywhere, without needing to install additional software.

Getting Started with Vim

Installing Vim

If you're using a Linux-based operating system, you already have Vim installed by default. However, for Windows users, you'll need to follow these steps to get started:

  1. Download Vim: Visit the official Vim website at vim.org and download the latest version of Vim for Windows.

  2. Run the Installer: Once the download is complete, run the installer executable file.

  3. Follow Installation Steps: Follow the prompts in the installer, selecting your desired installation directory and any additional options.

  4. Add Vim to PATH (Optional): To use Vim from the command_line you can choose to add it to your system's PATH during installation.

  5. Finish Installation: Once the installation is complete,you can start using Vim by opening it from the Start menu or by typing vim in the command prompt

For Windows users, installing Vim is straightforward, and you can even use Git Bash, which is a popular Unix-like shell for Windows.

Basic Vim commands and navigation

  1. Entering Vim: To start using Vim, simply open a terminal (like Git Bash on Windows or a regular terminal in Linux/Mac) and type vim followed by the name of the file you want to edit. For example:

     vim filename.txt
  2. Modes: Vim has different modes for different purposes:

    • Normal Mode: The default mode for navigation and commands.

    • Insert Mode: For inserting or editing text.

    • Visual Mode: For selecting text.

  3. Switching Modes:

    • Press i to enter Insert Mode from Normal Mode.

    • Press Esc to exit Insert Mode and return to Normal Mode.

    • Press v to enter Visual Mode from Normal Mode.

  4. Basic Navigation:

    • Use the arrow keys or h, j, k, and l keys in Normal Mode for navigation:

      • h: Move left.

      • j: Move down.

      • k: Move up.

      • l: Move right.

    • You can also use Ctrl + [, which is equivalent to pressing Esc.

  5. Saving and Exiting:

    • To save changes and exit Vim, you can use :wq in Normal Mode.

    • Alternatively, you can use :x or :wq or just ZZ (shift + z twice).

  6. Basic Editing:

    • To delete a character, press x in Normal Mode.

    • To delete a whole line, press dd.

    • To undo, press u in Normal Mode.

  7. Searching:

    • Press / followed by the term you want to search for, then press Enter. For example: /searchterm.
  8. Copying, Cutting, and Pasting:

    • To copy (yank) a line, press yy.

    • To cut (delete) a line, press dd.

    • To paste the last thing you copied or cut, press p.

  9. Searching and Replacing:

    • To search and replace, in Normal Mode, type :%s/searchterm/replaceterm/g and press Enter.
  10. Navigating between Multiple Files:

  • To open a file in a new buffer, use :e filename in Normal Mode.

  • To switch between open buffers, use :bnext to move to the next buffer or :bprev to move to the previous buffer.

Key Differences Between VSCode and Vim

User InterfaceModern graphical interfaceTerminal-based, minimal interface
NavigationMouse-driven with keyboard shortcutsKeyboard-driven with movement commands
EditingSyntax highlighting, auto-completion, multiple cursorsModal editing, powerful text manipulation commands
CustomizationThemes, extensions, customizable settings.vimrc file for settings, extensive plugin ecosystem
Learning CurveRelatively lowSteep
Resource UsageConsumes more resourcesLightweight and fast
Use CasesWide range of programming tasksIdeal for remote editing, minimal environment

Advantages of Using Vim over VSCode

Here's a comparison highlighting the advantages of using Vim over VSCode:

Advantages of Using Vim over VSCodeExplanation
EfficiencyVim's keyboard-centric design and modal editing system make editing faster once you've mastered its commands.
Resource UsageVim is lightweight and fast, consuming fewer system resources compared to VSCode, which can be resource-intensive.
Terminal CompatibilityVim works seamlessly in terminal environments, making it ideal for remote development and server administration.
CustomizationVim's extensive customization options allow you to tailor your editing environment exactly to your preferences.
Mouse-Free WorkflowVim encourages a mouse-free workflow, which can minimize hand movements and increase productivity over time.
UbiquityVim comes pre-installed on most Unix-based systems, ensuring that it's readily available wherever you work.

Speed and efficiency

Customizability and extensibility

Focus and distraction-free environment

Challenges and Tips for Transitioning to Vim


  1. Steep Learning Curve: Vim's unique modal editing system and extensive commands can be overwhelming.

  2. Keyboard-Only Navigation: Vim emphasizes keyboard navigation, which might be challenging if you're used to mouse-driven editors.

  3. Understanding Modes: Vim operates in different modes (Normal, Insert, Visual), which can confuse newcomers.

  4. Limited Graphical Interface: Vim's interface is minimal compared to GUI editors like VSCode.

  5. Customization Complexity: Customizing Vim requires editing its configuration file (vimrc), which might seem daunting.

  6. Resistance to Change: Switching from a familiar editor like VSCode to Vim can be met with resistance.

Tips to Overcome:

  1. Start Slowly: Learn basic commands and gradually incorporate Vim into your workflow.

  2. Practice Regularly: Familiarize yourself with Vim's keyboard shortcuts and movement commands.

  3. Understand Modes: Spend time understanding Vim's modes and practice switching between them.

  4. Explore Plugins: Use plugins to enhance functionality and improve the interface.

  5. Customize Gradually: Start with simple customizations and gradually add more as you become comfortable.

  6. Seek Support: Join Vim communities and seek help when needed. Embrace the learning process.

resource's that I followed while learning vim

beginner-friendly guide ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ click here

Essential Vim Plugins: Installation Tips

  1. Lazy Vim:

    • Description: Lazy Vim is a plugin that optimizes Vim startup time by loading plugins only when needed.

    • Installation Guide: LazyVim: Getting Started

    • Video guide: click here

  2. NerdTree:

  3. Vim-Airline:


Switching to Vim offers numerous benefits that can greatly enhance your coding experience. From increased efficiency to a more customizable environment, Vim empowers you to take control of your workflow like never before. By minimizing mouse usage, maximizing keyboard shortcuts, and embracing the power of modal editing, you can become a more productive coder.

I encourage you to give Vim a try. While the learning curve may seem daunting at first, the rewards are well worth the effort. With dedication and practice, you'll find yourself navigating, editing, and coding with ease and speed. So take the plunge, explore Vim, and unlock your full coding potential!

  • Vim offers increased efficiency and customization.

  • Minimal mouse usage leads to faster coding.

  • Modal editing streamlines your workflow.

  • Don't be intimidated by the learning curve; the benefits are worth it!

  • Try Vim today and unlock your coding potential!
